
Trauma can occur at any point in a person’s life and can result from various experiences, such as childhood abuse, accidents, violence, law enforcement, military deployment, or natural disasters. Traumatic events can disrupt a person’s sense of safety, create emotional and physical distress, and impact their ability to form healthy relationships.
Trauma Treatment

About Trauma and Recovery

Through years of research on the brain, we know that when we experience a disturbing or traumatic event, it is neurologically wired in our neurological system as an emotional experience with disorganized memories imprinted in the hippocampus. That traumatic moment in time causes our memories to become fragmented and clustered, setting us up to experience intense
emotional reactions even though we may be nowhere near danger.

When something happens that reminds us of that experience, that fragmented part of our brain lights up and we are immediately brought back to the painful memory. The brain experiences the trigger as if the traumatic event is happening right then and there. It happens within milliseconds, and it is our brain that hijacks us from a relatively peaceful day. Those who suffer PTSD find this so disruptive that often they cannot function normally and may even withdraw from daily living because the trigger could happen at any moment.

What services we provide

Attachment-Based Trauma Clearing (ABTC) is a therapeutic approach founded on the principles of attachment theory, experiential learning theory, and emotion processing. This treatment is a perfect complement to our EFT approach as it is attachment-based and unlocks a person’s ability to make sense of and resolve blocks that can prevent healthy bonding. It aims to address and resolve trauma and attachment-related issues by integrating fragmented memories and experiences across an individual’s timeline or span of life.
What Is the Attachment-Based Trauma Clearing Process?
In Attachment-Based Trauma Clearing (ABTC) treatment, techniques are specifically used to address trauma and its impact on an individual's life. ABTC involves a systematic process that allows individuals to revisit and heal traumatic memories at their own pace. The therapist guides the person through a series of steps that facilitate insight and resolution of the trauma, and compassionate bonding with the younger self. This may involve visualizing and revisiting past points in time when suffering occurred. However, it is important to point out that it is not visiting the EXPERIENCE. The process assists the client in visiting the vulnerable SELF that had the experience. This is what makes ABTC so safe, so healing, and based on attachment and compassion toward self. The ABTC treatment process utilizes specific techniques like timeline work, resource tapping, and “View of Self/View of Other” therapy.
How does ABTC work?
One of the key principles of ABTC is the belief that our memories and experiences are stored in a fragmented manner and can be accessed and processed effectively through the melding of past traumatic events with the present. By working through these traumatic experiences in a safe and supportive therapeutic environment, individuals can gradually reduce the impact of trauma on their daily lives, improve emotional regulation, increase a positive view of self and others, and develop a stronger sense of self both personally and socially.
What Can I Expect?
Individuals who begin ABTC therapy with memory gaps are eventually able to connect the pieces of their lives into a coherent whole. After ABTC therapy, recipients find themselves spontaneously reacting to current stressors in more age-appropriate ways. Interestingly, many individuals can recall more memories and fill in the large gaps of “memory loss” as the brain begins to restructure neuropathways. Happier memories that were once locked and hidden often resurface to create a new sense of wholeness. Clients sometimes describe the experience as an unexpected gift they never thought possible.


Family & Relational History
Individuals who, for whatever reason, did not experience consistency with their caregiver, or whose early needs were not met, often struggle to feel secure and stable in adult relationships. Often, it isn’t clear to them why they feel the way they do, but when working with an attachment- based therapist they can uncover the deficits experienced in early and middle childhood. ABTC can directly address these deficits incorporating self-compassion, opportunities to bond with their younger self, and to begin to recognize and internalize their value and worth as an individual. ABTC therapy allows the client to visit the parts of self who are frozen in time. The younger self that has been isolated in the past often has powerful and healthy qualities to offer that can benefit the “dysfunctional self” in the present.
Individual Factors
Individuals who, for whatever reason, did not experience consistency with their caregiver, or whose early needs were not met, often struggle to feel secure and stable in adult relationships. Often, it isn’t clear to them why they feel the way they do, but when working with an attachment-based therapist they can uncover the deficits experienced in early and middle childhood. Lifespan Integration can directly address these deficits incorporating self-compassion, opportunities to bond with their younger self, and to begin to recognize and internalize their value and worth as an individual. Lifespan Integration trauma-clearing therapy allows the client to visit the parts of self who are frozen in time. The younger ego state that has been isolated in the past often has powerful and healthy qualities to offer that can benefit the “dysfunctional self” in the present.
Sensitive Treatment
From the beginnings of ABTC treatment to the ultimate healing and closure, the therapist customizes the experience such that the client can begin to function on a higher level, return to normal daily activities, repair broken relationships, and even build new ones with a healthier, more confident view of self and others.
Specific Training
It's important to note that ABTC is a specialized approach, and it's essential to work with one of our ABTC- trained therapists who have experience in this modality. Our skilled therapists who have been trained in not only the science of the brain, but also the science of the impact of trauma on the brain, can safely and sensitively guide the client through the healing process. They can provide personalized guidance and support throughout the therapy process, tailoring the techniques to suit individual needs and circumstances. The treatment has shown to be highly effective and helpful in rebalancing a person’s life, enabling them to return to normal living and higher levels of well-being.
Getting Started
As pointed out earlier, it is important to note that treatment approaches can vary depending on the individual, the nature of the trauma or attachment injuries, and the severity of symptoms. It is important not to delay consulting with one of our therapists specializing in trauma clearing who will tailor your treatment plan to focus on individual, relational, and whole healing.

Ready to discover the next steps?

Our intake coordinator Ally is ready to help!