Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT)
The EFT Counseling and Education Center is unique and distinguished from many mental health clinics in that each of our therapists are trained and supervised by Certified EFT Supervisors and a Certified EFT Trainer. This specialized mentoring elevates and further qualifies the therapists in their work with individuals. They rise to a higher level of credibility and expertise in working with the model of Emotionally Focused Individual Therapy (EFIT).
EFIT is a revolutionary attachment-based approach to individual therapy.
EFT was originally developed by Dr. Sue Johnson for couples therapy and EFIT expands its application to individuals that also offers an integration of humanistic experiential interventions focused on reshaping experience and interpersonal interventions to support healthy changes in patterns of engagement with significant others.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
Collaboration and Exploration
EQ, Communication & New Coping
Some common techniques in EFIT:
Emotionally Focused Interventions:
Cognitive Restructuring:
Mindfulness and Self-Compassion:
Attachment Exploration
Relational Skills Development
The process of EFIT is typically conducted in individual therapy sessions. Your therapist meets with you regularly on a weekly basis to work through your issues and achieve therapeutic goals. It is important to note that the duration of individual therapy can vary depending on your needs and rate of progress. Every individual can benefit from EFIT work, as it unlocks and enlarges our understanding of ourselves and how we relate to the world and is designed to increase internal compassion & security.