TRI EFT Alliant

Training and Research Institute for Emotionally Focused Therapy Alliant, promoting education and training in EFT.

Training and Research Institute for Emotionally Focused Therapy Alliant (TRI EFT Alliant) is part of the San Diego Center for Emotionally Focused Therapy and exists to serve therapists and therapists–in-training as they seek to learn and master the practice of Emotionally Focused Therapy.

Working together with Alliant International University TRI EFT Alliant has a three fold mission to strengthen families through:

  1. Training of students and licensed professionals in the practice of EFT,
  2. Advancing EFT through research and
  3. Providing service to the community.

We appreciate working with TRI EFT Alliant, and align with their mission, as we bring continuing education and training to communities in Utah.

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