Services We Provide
If your relationship is in crises, or you just need a little tune up, we are here to help you have the skills and support you need to renew and build your relationship to have the closeness, trust and security you long for. Specializing in Emotionally Focused Therapy, the Gold Standard form of couple treatment, we have the couple therapist you need to develop a loving and happy relationship.
In Individual Therapy your therapist will meet with you regularly to help you work through the issues that concern you so you can achieve your therapeutic goals.
The primary goal of Emotionally Focused Family Therapy (EFFT) is to promote secure attachment and emotional connection between family members, young and old. Using this model, the therapist recognizes that strong emotional bonds are essential for individual and family well-being. EFFT operates on the important premise that distress and conflict within families often stem from unmet emotional needs and ineffective communication patterns.
Bonding and strengthening your bond throughout your marriage makes you a team rather than two individuals living together without creating healthy interdependence. We offer a research based and researched effective therapeutic educational approach.
We strive to create an environment that is supportive so you can talk about the challenges you and your partner face regarding sexual health and sexual intimacy. Our clinical team can help you make sense of the struggles, and offer you tools for physically and emotionally connecting. The tools and understanding you achieve will guide you in your quest to strengthen your foundation of love, fulfillment, and security.
Trauma can occur at any point in a person’s life and can result from various experiences, such as childhood abuse, accidents, violence, law enforcement, military deployment, or natural disasters. Traumatic events can disrupt a person’s sense of safety, create emotional and physical distress, and impact their ability to form healthy relationships.
Depression has been nick-named the “common cold of mental illness.” The statistics can be startling; however, it is useful to pause and become aware of the impact of depression on society in general. Depression affects approximately 20 million Americans, or about 10% of the population in any given one-year period. At some point in their lives, 10%-25% of women and 5%-12% of men will likely become clinically depressed.
Anxiety is a common mental health condition that can significantly impact a person and daily life. For some individuals, just the thought of getting through the day produces intense levels of anxiety. No matter what they do, they cannot seem to stop the worry and often feel it is out of their control. They might anticipate disaster or be overly concerned about money, health, family, work, or other issues.
Postpartum depression (PPD) is characterized as a major depressive episode with onset of symptoms during pregnancy or within the first 4 weeks to 12 months postpartum. Worldwide, nearly 1 in 5 women who have delivered are estimated to have experienced PPD.
Grief therapy, also known as grief counseling or bereavement therapy, provides support and guidance to those who are experiencing significant distress due to the death of a loved one or any other significant loss in their lives.
Neurofeedback, also known as EEG biofeedback, is a safe therapeutic intervention that provides immediate feedback that uses sound or visual signals to reorganize or retrain brain waves to regulate and improve function and to alleviate symptoms of various neurological and mental health disorders.
The Leadership Team

Debi Gilmore, DMFT, EFT Supervisor & Therapist, Author and Speaker
Rebecca Jorgensen, PhD, EFT Trainer & Supervisor, Intensive Couple Therapist, Speaker and Consultant
Ally Inukihu'angana Executive Assistant and Intake Coordinator
Co-Owner EFT Counseling and Education Center.Co-Founder and Developer of Building A Lasting Connection® and the Connection System®. EFT Certified Therapist and Supervisor. AAMFT Approved Supervisor. AAMFT Approved Supervisor Trainer. International Speaker. Professional Educator.
Co-Owner EFT Counseling and Education Center. Co-Founder and Developer of Building A Lasting Connection® and the Connection System®. Co-Owner and Founder San Diego Center for EFT and TRI EFT Alliant. ICEEFT Certified EFT Trainer, Supervisor & Therapist. UAMFT Supervisor. AAMFT Supervisor. International Speaker. Professional Educator.
EFT Counseling and Education Center Executive Team. Years of experience in HR and Clinic Management. Dedicated to assisting you in selecting the optimal therapist for your needs.
Welcome to the EFT Counseling and Education Center
We are a group of deeply passionate therapists where love and connection is what motivates us. Our mission is 2 fold, to provide quality treatment and excellent training.
We use the most effective methods to promote healing and healthy relationships in individuals, couples and families residing in Utah, Arizona, Idaho, Nevada, Washington, Wyoming and Florida.
Our counseling center is unique because all our clinicians have received specialized training healing attachment injuries and betrayals, working with trauma and building safe, growing and loving relationships using EFT and other approaches that heal and generate loving well-being. We are know for working collaboratively, being authentic and creating a warm and welcoming environment. Visit our team page to learn more about each of our therapists.
what makes us a great choice
Decades of Training and Experience
Experts in Mental Health
No Wait Time
Flexible Session Fees
helping you is why we're here
Specialized Training
Best industry experts
Fast and Effective Solutions

Modern Approach
Education & Training for Clinicians
Consistent Client Support

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